What does mean WPPF?

WPPF stands for "Workers' Participation Fund" or "Workers' Profit Participation Fund"
It is a fund established by companies to provide a share of the profits to their workers. The fund is usually set up as a trust, where a portion of the company's profits are allocated to the trust and then distributed to the workers in the form of bonuses or dividends.
The idea behind the WPPF is to align the interests of the workers with the interests of the company and to give them a stake in the success of the business. This can lead to increased motivation and productivity among the workforce, as well as a sense of ownership and investment in the company.
WPPF is also used in India as a way for companies to comply with the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 which requires companies to set up a WPPF if they have 100 or more workers.
The contribution to the WPPF is made by the employer, usually on the profit of the company, and the fund is controlled by the Workers Participation Committee (WPC) which is elected by the workers. The WPC decides how the funds in the WPPF will be used and distributes the funds to the workers as bonuses or dividends.

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